Child abuse, homosexuality, and the f*cked up world we live in.

Forewarning: this will be long.
With all the political posts all over the place, I wouldn't expect this to be seen, but I have to vent about it because it was a part of my day today and I can't stop thinking about it. I work at an OBGYN. We had a couple come in today for an OBC (pregnancy confirmation). They're the most kind, soft-spoken women ever. This is not their first pregnancy; their sweet baby girl was born in October of '15. They had gone thru a loss prior to her, so she was their rainbow baby. At 6 months old, they had her going to a sitter while they worked. This sitter ended up being their worst nightmare. Their sweet girl was murdered by this monster while her mothers were working one day; trusting that she was being loved and cared for. She was found to have (at least) 11 cracked ribs, a broken arm, a broken thigh bone, head injuries, facial bruises, lacerations around her mouth, and many other injuries. Naturally, this piece of shit denies the entire thing. He remains in jail today; hopefully he will never get out. This monster RAN A DAYCARE. Had no record-- no complaints from parents or children ever. What made him snap is beyond me, but my heart aches for these wonderful women who lost their little girl. To add to it, he has the nerve to suggest that they "can't be trusted. He's a married man with a perfect reputation. Clearly those lesbians don't know how to raise a child-- for all we know, they could've been molesting her the whole time!!" The nerve of someone (& frankly, the stupidity), to even THINK those types of things, let alone voice them, makes me want to hunt him down myself and pin him down while I slowly and methodically do everything to him that he did to that innocent baby girl. I don't understand how someone can do those types of things to another human being, much less a sweet baby who has no way of defending themselves. This fucking psychopath actually has people SUPPORTING HIM saying he's "not capable of this type of thing"... (yeah, famous last words. Isn't that what EVERY serial killers family says...? 'We never would've expected that from them!!'..🤔😒 
Sorry for this long post. There's really no "point" to it; not asking for advice or comments or anything like that. It's just been on my mind all day and I had to vent about it because, well... I can't even fathom how people do these things. I'm praying this pregnancy goes smoothly for these ladies & that they get to continue with their journey through motherhood. It will be a stressful one; dealing with their previous loss, having to go through the murder trial, and still maintaining a calm, stress-free psyche for their unborn baby. Any prayers or good vibes for this wonderful couple would be lovely. Thanks for reading my storybook from today; squeeze your babies tight tonight-- I know I am. ❤