Please help!!

So, (I'm in the seventh grade, I know I'm so young!!) I was walking with my friend/Crush last year in the hall. I really wanted to get to know him more and said "uh.. hey can.. I have your number maybe?" He looked at me, smiled, and looked back down and said "I don't have a phone or anything, but if I did I would totally give it to you." I said ok and then moved on to my next class. Further into the year he found out that I liked him and then *hated* me. The next year he just gives me dirty looks the whole first quarter, and kinda smiles at me the second quarter, and just today he was doing something really stupid with a pen and asked me to watch. And I saw him with a phone a while ago when my choir teacher asked us to record our parts. So he has a phone now. If next quarter.. he talks to me more.. should I ask him for his number again?? ALSO I OVERHEARD HIM SAY THAT HE WAS GOING TO MOVE SOON!! IDK WHAT TO DO!!