Crying it out?

My LO is 11 weeks old. While I was in the hospital for a week my MIL would put LO to bed by laying her down awake and letting her cry and eventually falling asleep. I've been home 2 days and letting MIL put LO to sleep to see that she'll cry maybe 15-20 minutes and go to sleep? Would it be ok to let her cry from now on or is 11 weeks too early? My usual routine was to nurse her until her dad gets home from work and he holds her til she falls asleep. Our way takes longer than MIL way. Thoughts?
UPDATE: I knew I was right about 11 weeks being too young! But idk what I'm doing and this woman raised a lot of kids so I went with it. And her cries were really soft, almost whiney sounding. MIL would keep saying "aww she's fighting sleep" every time, even nap time. Now if she had gotten loud, red faced, stop breathing crying-- I definitely would've picked her up!! I felt like I didn't want to complain how she was doing things because we had no one who could've stayed at the house to watch her while I was in the hospital, I was just so grateful. I'm definitely going back to my routine tomorrow! And to answer someone's question, no LO doesn't take a pacifier.