It's late here 3:27 PST. I'm pumping away when I started thinking. It lead me to write a little poem. Sorry ahead of time for the bad word in there. I "suffer" from PCOS so milk production isn't one of my best qualities as a mom. I can laugh at myself simply because I'm not a failure and every day is an adventure. 
Look at you
So pretty on my chest
Makin the milk
Some say is the best
You're like a faucet in the morning 
Dripping down my everything 
I try to be prompt
With the emptying 
Then all of a sudden
The cheer turns to fear
You've decided you're shy
It's abundantly clear
You don't wanna put out right now
Well ladies that won't work
Start giving me the milk
And quit being jerks
Now don't get me wrong
You do what you can
But I'm telling you
He eats like a man
My perfect bundle of joy
Weighs as much as a bag of flour
But he eats five ounces
Every three hours
You can't slow down
Or even take a break
I need you to work
Please for fucksake 
I need you boobies
To comply with my request 
Please boobies today
Do your very best