Weight loss motivation help

I really want to lose 50 lbs. like I really really want to. The unfortunate side is that I have depression. Anyone who has or had depression knows how hard it can be to actually motivate yourself. So I would like any advice I can to help me to get motivated enough to actually go out my "I want to" to "I did it"
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I suffer from depression. Excersize was the best anti depressant I've ever had. I lost 115 pounds with weight watchers online. It was tough to start but once I got in the swing of things my body needed it. Now I'm up 45 lbs, 32 weeks pregnant and cannot wait to get back into my routine soon. Such a better quality of life. Baby steps. I started with diet, short walks, which turned to long walks, which turned to jogs, which turned to running 8ks. If i can do it you can for sure. 


Posted at
I read a study that when diagnosed with depression patients who use exercise to replace medications or in addition to medication, were less likely to relapse than those who were just on medications. 


Amber • Jan 31, 2015
whatever it takes to keep it healthy. Say "I love my eyes, so I'm going to look for healthy foods today" "I love my butt, so I'll do 20 squats" you don't have to be motivated to work out, but even a couple push ups and squats a day will really help.


Amber • Jan 31, 2015
It's not just you, with the world of social networking I feel as though a lot of us are feeling neglected, I myself included. Listen. You just gotta get up every morning, look in the mirror, and tell yourself what you love. Each week add something. Fall in love with your body and you'll want to do


Sarah • Jan 30, 2015
as those are all great ideas, I'm usually alone I have "friends" but even find that hard to believe when I rarely get included in anything and I can't afford a gym membership.


Posted at
Not sure if you have it but download the app "my fitness pal"... I can't tell you how awesome of a tool it is to lose weight and really an eye opener as to what you're feeding your body and how the calories are being used.... plus it's a great way to connect with a lot of people on the same journey as you! it's kind of addictive lol


Amber • Jan 30, 2015
Love that app


Posted at
What's is the best weight loss program to use?


Heather • Jan 30, 2015
i need tips for home .not able to buy video's. but i wonder if they br on utube..hmmmmm


B👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 • Jan 30, 2015
I've used insanity and without changing diet I lost 5 lbs in a week. (Hoping more next week)


Posted at
My health was my motivation, you can do it i have lost a total of 80 pounds. I have had a life long struggle with depression but once i begin to exercise my depression improved. I begin to feel healthier and happier immediately. And a partner helps, my husband helped me in the beginning


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I use plexus and it's helped not only with maintaining my weight but also my hormonal balance. 


Posted at
Same exact way!!


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Get an accountability partner. I'm in the same boat.