Sensoring processing disorder?

I was wondering if any one knows or has a child or children with this. With or without autism with it. What did you do with them? Did they have really REALLY bad tantrums? How did u deal with them? Did they sleep at night or wake up through the night? Did they Scream EVERYTIME they woke up ? Even for naps? Did they say words or try to communicate? How old did they start talking? Or trying to tell you what they wanted? Did they scream all day ? Even playing with toys or just sitting on the ground. Did they listen if u said stop or no? 
I need help. I'm with birth to 3 and they said he has SPD (Sensoring Processing Disorder) but I'm waiting to be seen to see if he has anything else like Autism or add adhd or anything everything. We just had another baby (2weeks ago) and it's been even more stressful that way it was & his dad doesn't want him anymore. & I mean it would be a little weight off I just can't. A lady asked why I've hold on so long. I broke down and said nobody would want my son and he'll be sitting in a dark place till he's 18 and just get thrown out to the streets not knowing a thing. And I have we'll use to have a bond with him. He always runs to me cries for me. I cry everynight /day because I don't understand why God gave me him. I don't know how to deal with him Nobody is giving me help. Barely even his dad. No doctors do much but say "All babies are different and some cry some don't." Or "1yr olds don't really talk or say words till they are 2 or 3" but I just see other babies and they are doing cute stuff or saying mama or dada or hi and waving.... But not mine. My 1 yr old is creaming and yelling and throwing tantrums all day everyday and knocking and pulling everything off the tables and beds. I been losing my faith to be honest. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to die from exhaustion not sleeping. Hearing screaming all day. And you can't hold or comfort him. Can't kiss him. Nothing  it gets worse. I need help by people who are GOING Through This With Me & Not doctors who doesn't know how it really is at home. I don't want to give up on my son or my daughter if she has it as she gets bigger. But I'm really close.