postpartum depression question..

•What did your doctor do and say when you told them you think you have postpartum depression? 
•Did they ask your symptoms and put you on medication?
•What medication were you put on?
•What symptoms did you have and make sure to bring up to your dr?
My 6 weeks dr appointment is today, Im 9 weeks pp (made it late due to problems of the health of a family member).. and I'm thinking about telling my dr that I think I have postpartum depression, I'm not good with opening up to anyone so I want to know what I'm in for when I do. I feel guilty feeling the horrible ways I do towards my baby and in general I'm afraid my dr won't take me seriously or think I have it but i just know I do. I don't want to look crazy too... here are some of my symptoms (Haleys my daughter) Thank you