Absolutely failing at life 😞

I am usually a very optimistic and upbeat person. But within the past few months everything has gone down hill and I don't know what to do to help myself. 
My job is completely overwhelming. I am putting in over 60 hrs a week and my boss just sat down with me to try and make me feel like this is what I'm "suppose" to be doing. She wants me to come in earlier and stay later than everyone else. I have a high level job and can't just leave it and find another one. This is my career path and what I went to school for. Sadly, 60hrs a week still isn't enough to get all my tasks done. My boss is very upset with me for how little my production has been. I tell her how busy I am at work. She tries to make me feel guilty for taking a lunch break and then tells me I am busy but not productive. The long hours and stress are taking a toll on my marriage and my health. 
My husband has become distant and resents me for putting so much time into work. By the time I get home I am too tired to help around the house. I get headaches daily. My husband calls me lazy and fat for not helping. He won't have sex with me because he is too angry with me.  
We are also in a tremendous amount of debt due to me and my student loans. We live paycheck to paycheck and have no money for entertainment or luxuries. My husband is so frustrated that he can't even buy new work shoes. 
My health has gone down the drain. Not only do I get headaches everyday but I have gained weight due to the fact that I can't find time to go to the gym. 
Ladies... I am so overwhelmed. I don't know what else to do with my life. I feel like I am failing.Â