Hcg rising/jumping fast, super worried. Recent MC, anyone deal with this?


Hey guys i just posted a different post but i wanted to ad more.because im frekaing out.


I MC in dec. Got pregnant instantly after.

This one is doing better soooo far. Still early.


Hcg was 29

Then 48 hours later...115

24 hours later 192 !!??

Should i be worried about these jumps? What could it mean? Is there something i should be worried about, about this! Someone please give me some opinions or peace of mind...

Doctors is closed until monday. Im nervous.

Im 2 days missed period so far. Caught pregnancy early. But hcg is junping up and im worried about what it could mean because its only usially supposed to double every 48 hours, so whats going on with mine?!?!?!

Please please help me with this. I want this baby. And idk what this could mean.

Anyone else go through this?!