People are rude to pregnant women.


Seriously, it is like all social graces go out the window. I've been asked, "how does it feel to be fat?" I have been touched inappropriately by people I don't like. I had a coworker comment on my tits.  Everyone wants to know every little detail and they bombard me with questions. I often barely get a hello before their hands are all up in my belly. 
What happened to manners?? 
Sorry for the rant, but just had the craziest experience at Costco. 
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Posted at
This is the part about pregnancy that I'm dreading the most. The first stranger to touch me is going to be in for a rude awakening! I absolutely will NOT tolerate bring touched! I barely like it when my husband touches me, a stranger doing it will get one hell of a lecture!


Anna • Jan 31, 2015
Me too. I couldn't stand my husband touching me once I got all hot and sweaty and horrible feeling. It sucked.


Posted at
I know how you feel my mother calls me huge and I'm only 21 weeks. I gained 15 total. I weigh 127 and I'm 5'1. So it sucks my bra size went up drastically and my SO someimes can't seem to leave me alone and stop staring at my cleavage. Then I get men (which is so awkward) give me odd looks and sometimes hit on me. It's disgusting and disrespectful. I wish people could understand what we are going through. I also make sure no one gets the opportunity to rub my belly. Maybe cause I'm still kinda small and only family notices. But I will be on guard once I get further along.


Posted at
Thanks you guys. So here's what happened at Costco. I'm chilling, looking at meat and some lady comes up and says congrats and starts touch my stomach. I tell her to get off and push her away. She starts yelling at me, saying how dare you do that to me. I'm like what the duck, and I walk away as she is still cursing at me. It sucked. She sucks. I think it is kind of funny now, but seriously, what is wrong with people. 


Emily🍍 • Feb 1, 2015
You should have started touching her stomach and been like "wooww so amazing 😍"


⚪Hula👶👶👶 • Feb 1, 2015
(what you did - I dont even grab friends bellies.) In fact I'm a doula and I dont even try to grab my clients bellies.. Unless they are like 'baby is kicking come feel!'


⚪Hula👶👶👶 • Feb 1, 2015
Ew thats so weird. How could a person be comfortable enough to grab a strange pregnant womans belly? and then have the gull to be mad when you tell them to back off. I would have done the same.


Posted at
I really didn't have that problem through any of my four pregnancies. But maybe I just have a don't touch me look. Lol. Sorry people are being rude and making you more uncomfortable than you already are. :(


Posted at
Why do you let people touch you? I have not surpassed those boundaries with people and as such people do not touch me. 


. • Feb 1, 2015
And also, I don't believe people are rude so much so as they are overly friendly and forget limits exist and it's the same whether you're pregnant or not.


Posted at
My friend had a woman come up from behind her and wrap her hands all around her belly 😖... people are weird around pregnant women. If someone did that to me I would make sure they realize what personal space is before I left.Sorry your getting bombarded by these people.GL


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I didn't mind the touching or the sweet comments, but some of the more personal questions about my birth plan and such were offensive.


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I tell people how I feel. A girl at work said that I keep getting fatter every time she sees me. I told her I have a body image problem because I've noticed that every time I look in the mirror. I told her it bothers me to have 1+ pitting edema and that it sucks ass when I have to really watch what I eat because if it isn't something a dietician would pick out I'm miserable from bloating for hours after. As for people outside of work, I either become a  'hormonal' asshole(I don't believe my personality has changed, perhaps I'm just more outspoken), or I target a piece of their health that isn't stellar. I'm sure people mean well but I openly don't like to be touched,  so I experience more verbal issues than physical. 


.. • Jan 31, 2015
Yeah, I keep pointing out how absurd what people are saying is. I say it delicately, but I'm, like "why do you need to know how much weight I've gained"


Posted at
Who in their right mind would make the statement "How does it feel to be fat"! That person has no purpose in life and certainly isn't functioning well in everyday society. Enjoy your pregnancy and don't allow the everyday senseless idiots to make you do anything other than enjoy this beautiful moment.


Erin • Jan 31, 2015
with my first my sister said I was fat