Feeling Sad

I exclusively breast feed. My girls haven't had a bottle of formula or breast milk in almost three weeks. I have been freezing everything I have been pumping.  We thought I had thrush from an antibiotic I was taking because I had symptoms that were similar to the description of thrush, but none of us (myself or the girls) have any outward signs. I am starting to think it is a latching issue, but my nipples are so painful I almost want to give up on breastfeeding.  I am going to give myself a break tonight and give the girls bottles since one of them is cluster feeding an I have literally been feeding all day long with pretty much no break at all and my nipples can't take it anymore. It makes me sad that I am resorting to bottles because I love breastfeeding them. I love the closeness, but it is so painful. I need to get rid of the pain. I have an appointment with my OB Thursday, hopefully she'll be able to help, if not I'll touch bases with the lactation consultant I have been working with.