Muscle Soreness Post Sex

My boyfriend and I were fooling around a few days ago, and he fingered me. We fell asleep pretty much right after. When I woke up, my groin tendon felt kind of off but I didn't think too much of it but it never went away. The next day, it had extended to the front part of my area down there. Almost like a really really low ab soreness after you do abs in the gym. It is much better now, however it still hurts like a proper pulled groin (only on my right side) and it hurts when I flex to sit up. Could it be my legs were open too long? Or I had those muscles tensed too long? I don't think anything is wrong with me, I would really just like to know I'm not alone. Because all the soreness after sex I Google is all for men!!! If I am alone, oh well. Any info is welcome.