Due date


I wanted to share my experience in the hope of giving other people hope. On the 26th July I found out I had a missed miscarriage at 14 weeks. Every day was difficult, however it did get easier, which also felt hard sometimes.

Today is my due date and this doesn't feel as bad as I expected. We have a cake with a zero candle and we are going on a day out to do something fun. I think about Charlie everyday and felt guilty if i go the majority of the day without thinking about them. You will never forget but things get easier.

I wanted a baby for longer than I can remember and at first after it happened I never wanted to get pregnant and now I do one day but still not ready to potentially go through it again. Take your time, don't rush because it hurts or because other people are pregnant. Definitely don't do what other people tell you you should do. Talk to your partner and listen to your gut and your heart, you will know when you are ready.

I hope you all get everything you wish for and I'm sorry for the pain you're experiencing. The pain for what you had and lost but mostly the times and experiences you never got to have.