Mr. McFattykins

Lindsay • 36 yr old RN, married for 9 years. 🌈/🌈/🌈WDR 10-23-17/🌈/ LGAR 3-27-22/ Due 10-1-23
So bc my post of my cat gained so much attention I figured I'd post another pic and a little about him. 
His name is Casper and he's a Russian Blue. My ex husband rescued him as a kitten from a fishing dock in Anchorage, AK in 2005, and when we spilt in 2010 he wanted me to keep him bc I'd grown so attached.  So we estimate he's about 12 yrs old. I know all cats have personalitys, but he is litterally hysterical! (As seen by the pic) he keeps me laughing constantly! He currently weighs 16 lbs, but has been as large as 19 lbs. He is on a special diet, and only gets fed a small amount per day but is obviously still very chunky. Also the last pic, of his face in the carpet....that's literally how he sleeps.