scared of stopping progesterone shots at 16 weeks

I am 16 weeks 3 days and have been getting weekly progesterone shots since 5 weeks.. I had an ultrasound today and baby girl is all healthy and heart tone was good, but midwife told me we don't need to keep doing the shots, that it won't make a difference! However I read stories about ladies stopping progesterone and losing baby the next week. I have had two miscarriages and I am very nervous and scared to stop these shots, they are a piece of mind and reassurance for me. This is the farthest I've ever made it in pregnancy and I would die if I lost my baby girl! Any advice, suggestions, past experiences or stories would be appreciated! I am feeling very uneasy about this. We originally were only suppose to do them until 12 weeks, but I decided I wanted to keep doing them until 16 weeks so she let me but then today she told me we don't need to keep doing them. What do you think??