*TMI* My vagina is really irritated.

Over the last week, my boyfriend and I have had quite a bit of sex.
Usually, we don't use condoms because I don't like the rubber smell and don't trust them to not break anyway.
Well, we used the Skyn condoms (non-latex, the first time I used one it didn't bother me just for the record, which was like 2-3 weeks ago) and after sex I went to pee.
It burned like a MF. Holy shit, this was the most god awful pain in the whole world.
So after this I went to my boyfriend and got him to look at/in me.
My baby-making hole (I don't know what that's called, so 😂) opening is really really red. I'm not bleeding and havent bled at all, it just burns and hurts really bad.
A few days after the pain from peeing stops (wasn't a uti, i've had then. Not similar. It hurt when the pee touched anywhere but where it comes out of.* We tried to have sex again. Afterwards, same thing happened. However this time just to see, There was no condom.
It still felt like fire.
• No odor, normal everyday discharge i've had all my life.
• Burning really bad but only up to 12 hours after sexual activity.
• Pain when wiping after bathroom breaks.
So i've came to the conclusion that it's either
A) Some kind of infection (hopefully not though!)
B) Rubbed raw af.
But I don't know, so before I went to the dr or anything I figured i'd ask my fellow <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> girls because I know You guys give great advice!
So please someone give me advice!!