pregnancy support

Hey ladies! I don't know if I'm the only one going through this but I need some help. Before I got pregnant my and my husband were good not great but good, now that's I'm almost 6 months pregnant is like he's a different person. We've been together for always 4 years and I've never seen him act like this before. While I know I'm pregnant and not disable, I still ask him to get me some Oreos and milk sometimes. Not like his sleeping or busy he's on his phone so I'm like why not ask for some pregnancy attention. I had to ask him a couple times, and  after about 30 min he gets up mad, come back and says "let's see what excuse you use when your not pregnant" and then we argue a little and then he come up with I don't ever get a thank you. This isn't the first time this happens. Something I tell him to talk to the baby and read to him and he just get really bothered. I don't know what to do. Please help