I need advice and encouragement!... I don't know where to post this...

Yesterday I went in for my 1st ultrasound. I suspected I was 6 weeks and 5 days. We saw little to nothing!... Possibly a small sac but not sure!... I am going in for blood work today and on Friday or Saturday to check my hcg levels and some other things. All urine tests say that I am pregnant including yesterday afternoon at my first prenatal appointment. So that's at least good! I ovulated on December 29th. I am curious if I possibly could have ovulated a 2nd time in my cycle and gotten pregnant that time. I already suspected I was pregnant and experienced implantation cramping January 3rd. However a few days after I suspected implantation had occured I did experience what felt like ovulation cramps but I though little to nothing of it because I thought and felt like I was already pregnant. I am so confused and I have spent so much time crying since my ultrasound. I was expecting to not only see a small baby but also felt that there was a good chance we would hear a heartbeat!... To see little to nothing is absolutely soul crushing!... She said that my lining is very thick and that is at least a good sign!.... What do you ladies think? My first faint positives were on the 19th and 20th of January and 4 BFP's on the 21st. Could I actually be not as far along as I had thought and actually be pregnant with viable pregnancy? My period started December 12th and it was my 1st one only period since stopping birth control a year ago January. What are your thoughts and feelings!? Please Help!!!! I am feeling confused, lost and concerned. I've wanted this baby for almost 10 years...