what's the nicest thing a guy has done for you?

So, I see girls complaining all the time that guys are grossed out by periods and they want absolutely nothing to do with them. But that can't possibly be true all the time. 
So ladies, what is the nicest thing a guy has ever done for you when you were on your period? 
I suppose I'll share first. 
I've always had extreamly irregular periods. Ruined a lot of pajamas and underwear not to mention bed sheets. Well, i woke up one morning to a damn crime scene. Woke up my boyfriend to let him know that I'd need him to get out of bed to clean up. 
He rolled over, told me to calm down, gave me a kiss and sent me to the shower. 
He stain treated my underwear and pajamas, and the sheets. He got me a heating pad and some medicine, and came and sat with me in the bathroom until I was done showering. I was freaking out, I actually don't do well at all with blood, even my own, and there was a lot. He was so calm, so sweet, and even though he admitted he found it a bit disgusting to be cleaning blood out of things all morning, he also told me that since he didn't have to go through it he could never understand but that he knew it sucked and he wanted to help make it better. 
It was the sweetest shit.