Birth story long and crazy

So I was scheduled to be induced Tue at 7 am. So I arrive at the hospital at 641 with my other two kids my best friend and my sister (sister is watching my other 2). I get to the huge labor suite and their is my nurse and a nursing student which it was the first time she was ever going to be part of a delivery which of course I had to OK it and all which by baby 3 who cares any ways at 938 all paper work is signed and ready pitocin is kicked on. My doctor arrived at 1017 I was a 7 with contractions every 2 mins he decided to break my water and bam 1025 they are constantly coming no breaks my whole body is shaking I'm vomiting so I ask for an epidural *THIS IS WHERE SHIT GETS BAD* this rude ass fucking middle age man comes in first all says well she isn't a large as I was expecting I was told she is plus size I brought a 26 g instead of 18 g at this point I'm trying to breath anyways so he goes ahead and starts doing w.e he is doing well I hear him say *shit* my best friend screams my spinal fluid shot out across the room and he claims it's alot and then proceeds to yell at me for moving um I'm sorry I don't think I did but I was vomiting and contracting anyways he proceeds to yell at me and tell me I'm going to get a headache and all this stuff and I say that's fine like just do this please and he got all rude yelled at me telling me why it wasn't fine and all this crap at this point I am having a short break from a contraction so do ur job dude after 4 failed freaking tries he gets it. It's 1055 it's in my back is killing me he claims I feel nothing but my back was hurting. He leave the room my nurse starts apologizing and all that w.e now it's 1130 cath is in and I'm just waiting 1215 my nurse comes in opens my legs turn s looks at her student and says do u see that the baby had removed my cath and his head was coming she got on the phone said I need Sakbun stat (my dr he went back to the office) 1221 the baby nurse comes in they are all prep for dr my nurse opens my legs again purr panic on her face starts yelling don't push don't push don't please give me a min don't push (32) years of l&d and she panics I start laughing I'm not sure why but i mean full blow belly laughing can't stop and bam out came my baby on the bed I grabbed him out my nurse was putting on her glove and Dr hadn't arrived I caught my son out he flew on the bed the moment was perfect and best moment of birth. I know this is long and crazy but it was so amazing even tho I'm now suffering serve back pain from the wet tap (epidural fails) he is perfect 5 lbs 12oz.