The ultimate third wheel: Anxiety

I'm a 26 year old that has no relationship skills whatsoever, that has magically stumbled across the most understanding guy I know, and my anxiety is trying to convince me it's a trap. It's literally a case of "everything is going good....too good *suspicious squint*". It has been 7 months and I can't shake the feeling. It's still hard for me to ask him for his time let alone anything in the bedroom. I apologize and thank him for, at least in my mind, the simplest things. I constantly ask whether or not he wants me in his personal space. I come up with these ridiculous scenarios of us breaking up because of my anxiety. Yet he's patient, reassuring, and handles my anxiety induced ramblings/movements like a champ. I know I'm not the only one dealing with this third wheel and the fear it will ruin my relationship. How do you ladies manage?