IUI Newbie here! Any info?

Hi ladies! I'm new to the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> process and my husband and hope to do our first round towards the end of this month. I've done a lot of research online and on here but would still really like to hear more about it. 
A little background info- we've been trying for 18 months. My hsg test was fine and so was his semen analysis (motility was a little low.) Just found out I have a luteal phase defect so I know that I will be put on progesterone during my TWW's. However, I ovulate on my own every month. I've seen some posts regarding medicine during the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> process and ultrasounds. Is that something I will have to do too or is that if you're having trouble ovulating on your own? 
Just looking for some info for someone getting ready to go through all this for the first time. 
Thanks so much in advance :)