Can't feel the Mirena string!

Christina☕🌴 • Coffee | Beach | Disney | Nursing Student
What happens if I can't feel the string to the Mirena? This is my first time having it and I've had it since around September of last year and had my son in May last year. I've never checked it before because I didn't know you had to until a friend told me you're supposed to be checking it every now and then. I can't feel it. I don't know if it fell out, or if it dissolved or what. Can it get lodged higher in my uterus? If it fell out or got lodged, can that ruin my chances of having another baby? Also, at the moment, my husband is in the process of getting on board with his jobs insurance because he got a different job with better pay so as of now, we don't have insurance so I can't really visit the doctor until they officially get us all enrolled.