
So I had a miscarriage in May at 12 weeks 3 days. Awful awful experience. Gave myself time to heal; plus I needed ovarian surgery so we had to wait ttc. AF due on 2/2; but I knew in my heart I felt different. Took two pregnancy tests and sure enough they were positive! So happy, excited, nervous. Knew it was too good to be true. Woke up to spotting... total flashback of my miscarriage. Sorry just needed to vent and feeling sad. My hub is so good and optimistic. But I have no one else to talk to bc we're a very private couple and we don't tell family that we're ttc. Any other ladies have 2 or more miscarriages and go on to have healthy pregnancies?
Still lightly spotting (sorry tmi). doctor said to wait it out and keep our fingers crossed. I didn't experience this with my first pregnancy or my miscarried pregnancy... so just holding my breath at this point 😞. Thank you for the support ladies, it means the world to me.