Chemical pregnancy

Bridgette • Prego with baby #2!!!!! God is good!
How easy was it to get pregnant after having a chemical pregnancy? 
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I had 2 chemicals in consecutive months and the third month pregnant again and so far it's sticking :) 


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I had one in June and then found out I was pregnant the next month.  She's now almost 2 :-) hang in there it can happen


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I had an early mc, likely chemical, in August. I was pregnant again in November. Now 15 weeks and all is well.


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I had a chemical in feb 2014 and we concieved in July 2014, now 31 weeks x


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I had a miscarriage in October 2014.. I was on 3 months wait for my next conception.. Which is now over in January 2015.. and I am ttc now.. And I am on 1ww for my pregnancy test :) hopefully it's our year.. All the best to everyone.. Baby dust for u all!! :)


Bridgette • Feb 2, 2015
Thank you for your positive and inspiring comment


M.B • Feb 2, 2015
Don't be disappointed dear.. What I have learned from my ttc experience is that the more I stress and worry about conception, the more I am not getting it. So am just trying and praying for it and not thinking too much about it. Just relax and Enjoy BD :) everything will be fine.


Bridgette • Feb 2, 2015
Thank you! I am so sad and dissapointed but I believe it's our year too!