Ovarian Cyst Cause Pregnancy Symptoms

I went from happy believing I'm pregnant to sad then to scared for my health all in one hospital visit. I have a 5cm cyst (the size of a lime) on my ovary that caused my period to be over a week late and I had every pregnancy symptom in the book. These cysts can cause your body to think it is pregnant when its not and actually produce pregnancy hormones. I have a doctors appointment in 3 weeks to see if it has grown or stayed the same. I had no pain until I believe it ruptured 2 nights ago. It hurt a knife in the stomach I've been nauseous and when I move or stand up the pain is unbearable. My nipples hurt I am moody and tired I even fainted the other day. I just want to feel better. The only thing that I've done for the pain is motrin and a heating pad. But I did started taking vitamins.