would you be mad?

So as I'm just laying here in my room a lot of things have come to my head. My SO never makes time for me. He only comes downs here on the weekends. So you would expect for us to hang out and enjoy the weekend right? But no! He decides to get busy weekends as well. He's a musician and tries to get as much gigs. Yeah it's pretty good money but what about me? I understand he has bills to pay,rent for him and his kids etc. But I'm not sure where I stand. Especially since I supposedly mean so much to him and brought him back up when he was falling so low with his ex. And what gets me more mad is just remember at the beginning when we were dating and he would tell me all the things he did for his ex to have her happy(although nothing was ever good enough for her). Like I would be so happy if he would just say oh I don't have a gig today what if we go watch a movie? ( 2 years and never been to the movies with him!). I feel like he never thinks about me and just decides to plan his stuff ahead without ever thinking of what I want. Of what would be best for us and our relationship. I've been here for him more than anyone else has. I gave up so much for him, accepted so much of him and his past, his children, his mom who doesn't like me at all. All this time I'm just waiting until he wants to do something. Till he's not busy or having other plans or not being tired. I just don't get how people are willing to do so much for someone who doesn't care for them(and they know it) and so little for someone who's done so much for them and just truly loves that person and wants nothing else but to spend time with that person 😭💔 I'm sorry if this is long and all over the place. I just feel so depressed!