Do others get ovulation symptoms??

Katie • Stay at home mommy as of 6/30/16!!!
It's been 6 months trying. We've had some stressful months and lots of let downs. The joys of baby making. Last month we took off. It was busy with the holidays and tons going on. 
I have almost always had some sort of ovulation cramping right around my time. Which is great yes can but not always be helpful. I have never had any symptoms of spotting in between. Last month I did and was nervous and  freaking out wondering why I would spot a tiny bit for 2 days. Then it dawned on me after stressing cramps came it was ovulation. 
I used to use ovulation kits but they stopped working and my gyno dr told me I ov. Each month bc you can't have a period with out it. So I stopped and she says between 14-24 try! Ok I'm game! 
This month back at trying, yesterday I got a light migraine another sign I have gotten in the past. And last night for the 1st time I noticed my cm was changing and wasn't dry as it's been! Obviously we were out til very late i wasn't able to have sex :( my days are 2/3-2/7 2/8 and 2/9. This month I feel so differnt taking a month off, I'm noticing my cm change as I've never noticed prob bc im stressing on the days. Tonight after having great sex as I sit on the couch I feel the cramps a ton (not in my head) I get during my fertle week. I'm more confident about my month trying! I feel less stressed and I'm learning to go with the flow. A month off helped. Praying my month is right around the corner. any of you experience ovulation? Do you know it is coming? What do you feel? I'd be intested to hear what others experience 
Happy baby making to all! 2015 is our magical year! I believe in miricles.