Help ladies

Samantha • 24• Want a big family• Newlywed ❤️
Hey yall! So I am CD8.. Will say that I had a super short period this month as well tho.. Only CD1-CD4 and usually I last at least 6 days.. Anyways- today I had my first infirtily appt. after TTC for 17 months and after many blood test and ultrasounds the obgyn had nothing left and referred me.. This morning at my appt my doctor found a 18 in follicle on my right ovary.. Strange because I noticed a change in my CM and was have dull pains but being only CD8.. I didn't even bother to test. When I went home- I decided to POAS just to be safe.. And I got a pos! I tested twice today to be sure!.. I guess what I wanna know is if anyone else has truly ovulated this early and gotten a BFP! And when is the follicle likely to burst. Thanks ladies.