Tandem Nursing

Where to start.... so I was SO excited about tandem nursing! I thought what a great bonding experience, my toddler won't feel replaced by the baby, toddler will still get mommy time. In the hospital, when she came to visit, she was great! I was able to get them both latched with what I thought was no problems. Then after 24 hours my nipples were bleeding (due to shallow latch from Benjamin). I saw two different lactation consultants that recommended not nursing them at the same time because I needed to hold him in a certain way to get the right latch. So I tried to power through the pain and just nurse them separately. Natalie was getting really jealous. I ended up getting out my nipple shield (I needed to use with Natalie when she was a newborn) to help my nipples heal. Well one of the benefits of the shield is I don't really need to focus on Benjamin's latch as much. So to elevate some of the jealousy, I started letting them nurse together again. But Natalie LOVES the new plentiful milk and never wants to stop! I feel so bad cutting her off bit want to make sure I have enough for Benjamin. I'm producing a lot, so usually it's not a problem, but every once in a while he wants to cluster feed and I feel like it's because he is having to try harder to get me ok because she drank so much! I feel like I need to have some sort of consistency with her, because now she is getting frustrated. Like sometimes she gets milk, sometimes she doesn't. But she sees Benjamin get milk all the time. It's so hard for me to see her get upset! I ended up crying the other day because I felt so mean saying no more milk. How is everyone else doing? Any ideas how to help her adjust to sharing? I was thinking maybe having set times she can nurse (morning, nap, bedtime) and refusing a thing else so it's more consistent. Only problem is I'm still engorged so she has been helping me maintain a comfortable level without having to bother with pumping.