My son's dog died.

Jeffrey • We have 3 beautiful children 8, 13, 16. We have both developed fertility issues. We pray for God to heal us and bless us with our last member of our family. Our Miracle. I pray for everyone trying
He's had him since he was born. He's brokenhearted. I hope he feels better this morning. I prayed for him to find comfort. Poor baby cried himself to sleep in my arms, saying if he just could go on one more bike ride with Jacks, pet him, tell him he loved him but the main thing that broke my heart was him saying he was always there waiting when he got home from school and how he always was with him when he was sad and no matter where he went, bike riding down the dirt roads or in the woods Jacks was always running beside him, even when he was so old he had slowed down Jeremiah waited on him. They were best buddies. I cry as I type this BC it is so hard to lose a pet and he is so sensitive. He said he wants to write Jacks on his bike BC he was always right there beside him...tears