have you ever just been hit so hard you want to cry?

Jesus dude 
So last night or early as hell this morning I was up posting about how to tell the parents I was supposed to baby sit for that I  MIGHT have strep. I told them 9 hours in advance and sent them numbers of other daycare teachers that might be able to baby sit. and they said they appreciated it. I was having anxiety over that, it makes me feel incompetent or something 😭 maybe I'm just emotional or something. 
Well, it's good that I told them because I feel like I am in hell. My throat looks like ww2, my head hurts and I'm on my period and bled so heavy that it went up my back in my sleep and woke up having an asthma attack and also to my neighbors having extremely loud passionate sex. Literally, the bed was hitting the wall so hard that I could feel it in my bed. They had sex for an entire hour.  My entire body hurts, I'm highly annoyed and exhausted. my doctors and urgent care is not open so I have to try not to die until tomorrow. 
Lord help me I see the light.