MC and family death *long*


I found out I was pregnant on my grandpa's birthday. It was amazing. The morning sickness turned into all-day sickness but I loved it. Thanksgiving came and everyone knew because my husband couldn't keep the secret. It was a great way to start the holidays! December 7th my husband calls me at work, and let's me know my uncle had passed away just hours ago... We lived in the same house so he felt I needed to know ASAP. I try to move on as normal but December 9th I started bleeding. Bright red with mild cramps.... I immediately calles my dr and they had me in the next morning. No US they were booked.... Bloodwork was a bit low but in range. December 11 I go in again for heavy bleeding and cramps so bad I'm throwing up. US showed no heartbeat... My mom drove because I couldn't and my heart broke into a million pieces... Uncle and baby within days...

It was the hardest 6 weeks of my life. The mean comments for wearing pants to the funeral and snide remarks on how I obviously wasn't ready or it would've made it to term. My grandmother comparing my loss to hers. My husband breaking down, and pulling away to "be strong".

But I made it. I did it with help, but I'm here. I'm mostly ok.

I just wanted to share my story, hoping it encourages or helps others to talk about theirs