I don't know what to do.

Sarah • Take a breath.
I have feel feeling depressed for a couple months now. I've quit doing everything I love and I treat those who love me poorly. I don't run or exercise and eat healthy like I used to. I feel like I have no support from anyone and that no one even cares. My boyfriend helps but sometimes he just doesn't understand either. I'm going to be going off to college soon and my parents are really pressuring me to act like an adult. I just turned 18 last week and I know that I need to act like an adult. But being unhappy all the time is so hard. My parents are pressuring me to get a job and are telling me that I have to start paying for my college and a car and all this and it's a lot to take in. And it doesn't help that they yell at my and tell me that "something is wrong with me" and that "I'm not right". I know that I have responsibilities. I've quit every job I've ever had. I just want to get healthy again and have a better mindset again. Bur I just feel so pressured to get a job and go to college and I need to finish school with good grades and I just want to be healthy again. I just don't know what to do and I guess I just needed to vent or maybe some advice.