
GlendaG • Started TTCing for #1 in Nov 2013 Married June 2014 stopped TTCing Dec 2015 now just living
So we have been going to a fertility clinic for months now and everything was covered for us by the insurance. This month is the first month I've been viable for our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. So yeah super excited. Then I get told that the new insurance we had to get when my Husband changed jobs covers NOTHING. Just my Dr. Appointment today was $150 plus the trigger shot is another $150. And all the other things we will now have to pay for. I knew we would probably have to pay for the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and what it's cost was but I was blown away by the rest of it. He works for a hospital you would think they would have some coverage. 
I'm so happy we finally have a chance at getting pregnant after months of waiting but then I suddenly have this worry about all the extra money we might have to spend out of pocket that we didn't anticipate before. Just soooo overwhelmed by all these conflicting emotions.