Getting help for someone in an abusive relationship

My sister has been on-and-off for four years with this scumbag that I found out last year is abusive. She used to say that she would hit him too and rationalized it that way. She knows how I feel about him but he's broken her down to the point where she thinks she needs him. Well around Thanksgiving she'd been behaving bizarrely and we found out she was abusing xanax. She stayed with her grandma in California during the holidays and the grandmother said she was completely fine. Fast forward to a week ago and she was staying with scumbag bf in an abandoned auto parts shed in some industrial lot his dad owns. He has convinced her she doesn't need to work and has cut her off from me and DH because she used to date my brother-in-law and because I was the closest to her in the family. I am almost 100% sure he is keeping her drugged up at this point and have reasons to believe he may be pimping her out. She is 20. There's a lot more I can't fit in but I'm really desperate for help. Her dad and step-mom's marriage is falling apart because of this so they don't even know what to do and the process of helping her is almost at a complete standstill. All the while I've been taking care of my great-grandmother who doesn't have much time left and can't see my sister this way before she passes. Our mother lives in Hawaii with our brother and there's no way they can come home and help right now. Please, any advice is appreciated!!