
Hi ladies I've had two miscarriages in 2015 and even since been trying for my rainbow which makes it over a year. Last year we got news that my husbands sister was having a baby with her boyfriend of 1 year. I was completely hurt and upset, but also happy for her because a while back she was told she had POCS and that when she would get pregnant she would most likely have a miscarriage. This past weekend was her baby shower even though I was sad hurt and depressed wishing it was me I sucked it up and offered to help with preparing the food and helping decorate. When watching her ooen uo her many gifts i also choked up and wanted to cry. Seeing someone else going through something you dream of and came so close to having is liie a nightmare .And also for the first time since I found out I was pregnant in 2015 I went into a baby store to get a gift and diapers. Man I really didn't think I would make it through the weekend but thanks to GOD I was able too. Now the nest thing well be her giving birth......I'm so not ready for that