*Update: Anyone else have this?

I have been experiencing brown spotting for 10 days (23 Jan - 1 feb) during that time frame I had experienced headaches, nausea, and fatigue. (I'm well aware that those symptoms can also be period symptoms.) I though the spotting had stopped yesterday, but last night I started light pink spotting that only happens when I wipe. I have now been spotting for 11 days. My boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex several times this month and pregnancy is a possibility. However I have not tested yet (I plan too in a few days). I was just curious if anyone else has experienced this and if they have any tips as to what it could be. Responses would be GREATLY appreciated!! 
Update: on Friday night I thought aunt flow had arrived as I had started medium bleeding but later on the night I took the tampon out and not only had the blood stopped but it barely got on the tampon. Haven t seen any blood since. I also took a digital pregnancy test on Saturday afternoon. It turned up negative, am I possibly testing too soon? Thoughts would be great thanks!