My sweet little Angel

My sweet man Carson was born very much alive on October 11 2016. He was born via crash c section at 24 weeks 3 days after a premature membrane rupture at 18w6d and infection of the placenta. He did so well in the NICU for 25 days until he caught a Staph infection. He fought the infection for 22 long, hard days before his little body gave up. There are so many what ifs, but in the end he suffered so much that it was time for him to go. We hope to start ttc in June, as I have a T incision on my uterus and need time for it to heal. I'm terrified to try again but so excited for the possibility of a rainbow baby. 
Photos are from the day he was born, 3 weeks old, and 2 days after he became an angel. The tattoo is his footprints from the day he died, exactly to scale.