Update! Ladies with no symptoms, keep me sane!

Kelsey • Baby Girl #1 was born 10/5/17 Baby Girl #2 was born 2/15/19 😊
Hi everyone! I'm 7w tomorrow and have my first u/s Monday at 7w4d. I'm driving myself crazy with the lack of symptoms I feel. I'm particularly worried that they've just gone away altogether! No intense cramping (a few mild ones) and no bleeding or spotting so I haven't had any of the obvious mc symptoms. I'm so worried they won't find a heartbeat Monday and it'll be a mmc, so I'm looking for ladies in this same boat so we can help keep each other sane until we hear that heartbeat!!
Also wanted would be women who had no symptoms and ended up with successful pregnancies!
Update: first u/s today and baby measured perfectly with a strong heartbeat! Even a day or two ahead of what I had calculated. Goes to show just how little pregnancy symptoms mean!
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Posted at
Hi! So with my first pregnancy i had nausea from like 4 weeks on and cramping etc. Had a healthy baby boy. Second pregnancy had zero symptoms before 11 weeks when morning sickness kicked in for like 3 weeks and then was gone. People told me my pregnancy wasnt going to last and my mother in law was like that means its not a healthy pregnancy🙄 i was freaking out too and to make matters worse i was on progesterone and had a subchorionic hematoma so was being told my pregnancy was very likely to fail. Well my daughter is a week old now. She was 5 days overdue and we had a vaginal med free delivery lol it couldnt have been a healthier pregnancy honestly. So heres what i learnt from all those scares and stuff. MOST pregnancies stick!! Lack of symptoms means absolutely nothing... subchorionic hematomas dont mean much aside from take it easy. And believe in your body and baby that itl all be ok.


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 12, 2017
and thank you shes so yummy😍😍


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 12, 2017
then you'll worry about sids lol and then itl be what to pack for school lunch 😂😂 mommys worry from the minute you conceive till the day we die. 😉😉 hang in there and think positive!😘


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 12, 2017
yeah youl be fine!!! missed miscarriages are very rare!!! your gonna be fine ans baby will be great before you know it itl be over and youl have him or her in your arms!!


Posted at
Update: first u/s today and baby measured perfectly with a strong heartbeat! Was even a day or two ahead of what I had calculated. Thanks all of you wonderful ladies who encouraged me not to worry about my lack of symptoms! Feeling so grateful!!!


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 14, 2017
yep!! congrats!!😍😍


Posted at
I had no symptoms and I'm 25 weeks tomorrow 


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 12, 2017
boys are so amazing!!


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 12, 2017
omg congrats!!!😍😍😍😘😘😘😍


Kelsey • Feb 8, 2017
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing!


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Thought I'd update. I moved my u/s up to today because I couldn't wait anymore! I'm 7w1d and symptoms are still gone. Praying for a strong heartbeat today! 


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I'm 38 weeks nearly 39 defo pregnant and don't have any signs lol x


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I'm delivering my second baby this Friday. With both pregnancies I had no morning sickness, just a lot of fatigue.


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How common is a blighted ovum after 7 weeks? I've had no spotting, bleeding, or cramping to worry about. All I can find online is that they're common and it's hard to know prior to an u/s if you have one.


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It's always possible to be a couple weeks behind what you think so don't panic if they have trouble finding the heartbeat! 


Posted at
Thank you, thank you!!! Anyone have some mild symptoms that just totally disappeared?!


✡Bracha✡♈ • Feb 8, 2017
yes!! totally normal thats how it works!


Bl • Feb 8, 2017
I did and still do but they were so mild I didn't think they were anything , I just thought my period was coming but they stopped and I thought my cycle was just changing


Posted at
I had no symptoms(at least I didn't know of), didn't even find out until about 11 weeks. No matter how far along you are symptoms come and go


Bl • Feb 8, 2017
Even after I found out I didn't start having symptoms until recently and I'm 25 weeks