
Rebecca • Happily married to my best friend; mom to a 6 and 4 year old…trying for a girl this time!
I had posted yesterday about seeing my OB due to bleeding Friday night and the ER visit.  The doc had wanted to check my progesterone since one of the cysts looked different. The baby had a heart rate yesterday of 132 and had grown measuring spot on at 7 weeks 1 day.  That I am grateful for.  But she wanted the progesterone checked to make sure the pregnancy was being fully supported. 
Well I got the results this morning and my levels are "a little lower than we like" so they are putting me on supplements.  
I can't lie. I'm scared. It took 15 months to conceive and I'm very concerned.  I don't want to lose my little jelly bean. 
I'm trying to stay strong and positive but it is so difficult right now.  I'm cross posting in general pregnancy forum but I figured I'd write here first for support from you wonderful ladies.  Thankyou so much!!