pumping exclusively

So I had my son early at 37 weeks because I'm a type 1 diabetic. He is doing great but had to be put in NICU for 3 days and was on formula. He is 6 days old now and for the past few days I've tried getting him to latch to my breast. He won't stay in even with a nipple shield and it has been frustrating for both of us. Since he won't latch I have been pumping and bottle feeding. I'm making enough each pump to just feed him exclusively I don't need to mix with formula. But I had a mommy friend tell me that since he is not latching it's not the same as breastfeeding. Of course this hurt because I'm producing enough milk and I find it easier to pump. Has any other mommie been able to pump and only pump for a few months? Or is this a sign that my supply won't last long? If I could I would love to pump for a few months and then switch back to formula. I just wanted to know that there are other moms who are able to just pump with no issues. Also pic for cuteness level.