is it too late? ..😕

Just a little paranoid and can't sleep due to the fact it's my first check up tomorrow where I'm actually going to be getting tested down there for anything not normal. I know i should've went couple years ago when I first started having sex but I was never really taught due to lack of family communication growing up.. talking to people about stuff like that would've made me feel judged from my bad past experiences so please don't get cocky because I'm just now doing this, just looking for some answers to be expecting. Me & my husband just got married & having kids was one of our biggest excitements, I lost my virginity almost 4 years ago. I never got checked to see if I was okay after. He slept around & we only used a condom once in our 2 1/2 year relationship. My discharge was beginning to come out milky (gross I know) so I knew it was something different about me. Again please don't judge, I see how a lot of you can be with slow people like me lol 🙄I couldn't talk to anyone cause I have bad trust issues, so I idiotically searched google. Of course it gave me some scary answers but I still never went until couple years later (14-19 yrs) . I heard stuff like that can block your Fallopian tubes where it makes you infertile for waiting on treatment. I told my husband & he is prepared for whatever answers we get. Good or bad❣️But I just need opinions or answers on what you ladies think! Is it possible I have a blockage making me infertile. We been trying for over a year..