Possible pregnancy

kateland • Name is katie, im 20 years old. No kids yet, in a happy relationship with my boyfriend James. would love to make new friends on here! Very new to the terre haute area!
Okay so I've never wrote on here before but I could use some serious advice. I am currently freaking out. I missed my period 15 days ago I thought it was just from stress because I've heard that happens and I have been under a lot of stress. Then my breasts started hurting about a week ago and it hasn't stopped there super sensitive. And I've been overly emotional and crying and mad for the dumbest little reasons. I didn't even get why I was mad or crying. And then I started having cramps like period cramps but I never started my period. So I walked to the pharmacy today and took two tests. The first one was positive the second one nothing at all showed up no negative sign no positive nothing. I don't know what to do. I am so lost and confused. I need advice. So if someone has anything to say on what to do please let me know.