Something showed up down there and it hurts like hell. What do I do?

So a few days ago I randomly noticed an area down on my vagina that hurt. I kind of felt around and there is almost like a cyst or bump there. It is extremely sensitive and when I pee and the pee touches it, it burns like crazy. This morning I woke up to pee noticing that it hurt worse than it has been the last few days. I went to the bathroom and after peeing I wiped (that area especially to make sure I keep it clean) some stuff came off it. I am so afraid to go to the doctor or tell my mom about it. I am a college student so going to the doctor for something like that is scary because you don't know anything about their doctors or hospitals. I am fairly sexually active with my boyfriend but we haven't had sex since last Sunday so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.