Have you ever considered plastic surgery?

Kwerkymurkie • I wish I was the moon.
I have seriously been considering breast augmentation lately, or at least a lift. I am a 36D but I feel like my breasts are... I dunno, pancakey. They go out to the side and they're very flat, like a pancake. Sort of like everything under the nipple has formed correctly but above the nipple has not rounded out or grown any.... EVER. my friend (who has had a breast augmentation) says I should try a lift, but I'm not sure. My boyfriend (whose mom is a nationally board certified lactation consultant) hates it and hates anything to the effect of messing with the breasts... (I have my nipples pierced and he HATES it) plus, he says I don't need anything done because I'm beautiful the way I am (yadda, yadda, yadda) he makes me feel beautiful all the time, but I dislike my body personally because of my breasts, (and my butt, but that's another topic) and I really think getting an augmentation or a lift would help me feel more comfortable in my own skin.... What do y'all think?

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