TMI maybe, random skin ring on thigh

have no clue what this mark is. I thought it could've been psoriasis but I don't think it is. I also thought it could've came from my bc since it seemed to worsen my chronic hives. Before it got scaly/before I picked at it, it was just a red flaky ring. But prior to this popping up on my inner thigh, I was itching severely for 2 weeks nonstop. Like I couldn't sleep because I was itching. I have other marks on my body like scabs, bruises, red patches, etc. from itching. Zyrtec didn't even minimize my itchiness nor did taking a warm bath. The only other cause I can think of is me not using lotion anymore since TSA made me throw it away (which was my only lotion). I don't have access to a car nor does my campus sell lotion 🙄 so maybe that's the cause of this mark.