missed miscarriage

Hello, after 14 months of ttc, we finally got pregnant first try with femara and an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. At our 8 week appointment, everything looked good and baby had a good heartbeat. At our 12 week appointment, I knew something was wrong when I saw how small the baby was. Our baby had passed away shortly after our 8 week ultrasound. I am in shock and devastated. I had no cramping or bleeding to indicate anything was wrong. I had to get a D and C since the baby didn't come out on its own. They said that went well. I am just wondering how soon after people conceived or if you have any hope for me. I am so scared it's going to take forever to get pregnant again and scared to miscarry again. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you. This was my first pregnancy.