
It's 4 am and I haven't been to sleep since yesterday night so I'm grumpy. 
So my son is 6 weeks old. 
I also have a almost 5 year old daughter. 
Her dad and I have split custody. 
So last week I got her from him and I asked him before I got her, is she sick, or anyone in your house sick? ( the city they live in is having an outbreak of shit, RSV, FLU, slap cheek fever/ fevers over 104 degrees. Etc. ) I didn't want anyone in this house who has been sick or around sick people with my newborn. 
He says no were all fine. So I get my daughter. She has a runny nose. And I ask him about it and he's like yeah she's fine , I've had a cold all week so she prob has a cold. 😑 really? Why the fuck did you say no one was sick. 
So thennext day my daughter says her throat is hurting. I thought maybe it the drainage from her nose... then thennext day and she has a really high fever of 104, her throat is hurting so bad she won't eat and she has a bad headache. Turns out she has strep throat severely. And he says somehow it's my fault even tho we don't leave the house. And are in contact with no one. 
So I send her back to his house for the week. 
I text every single day checking on her making sure she's getting better. All week he assures me she is completely fine and better. 
So I say ok I'm getting her back. 
I pick her up and she sounds awful, her face is splotchy and has a rash, she has horrible congestion and she coughs a few times. So I ask. Is she still sick? Does she have a cough? 
He proceeds to tell me she has a runny nose and some coughing from the test they did for the flu ... in my head that doesn't sound right. 
But I take her anyways because I miss her 
She has done nothing but cough and snot everywhere and I have a small house. She's in very close proximity to my son. And with me trying to take care of her and breastfeed him I know I'm transferring germs to him and I am livid. If he gets sick I'm going to fucking ring that ass holes neck. People's babies are being hospitalized because of the shit that's going around in that town. Tubes in their noses and throats and shit. And this fucking piece of shit thinks it's ok to lie to me like it's no fucking big deal.