2 Periods in 2 weeks??!!

My last regular period was Dec. 27. It lasted 5 days & my cycles are typically 30-31 days long. 
In January I figured I would start my period on the 26th, but on the 24th I started spotting and cramping & I figured my period was starting. I spotted for 5 days (which is the same length of time as my period) but I never needed a pad or a tampon during this time. The cramps were also not as intense as they usually are during my normal period. I would only see the blood when I wiped & the color was very dark. I still figured that it was my period & thought I was just having a SUPER light month. So I carried on with my life & then two weeks later on Feb 8 I started cramping like my period was coming again. On Feb 9, I was still cramping & on & off & started to see some brown spotting when I wiped & even passed 2 small clots. On feb 10 and 11 I was still crampIng & seeing spotting only when I wiped. These cramps were also less intense than what I usually get. Then today, Feb 12th, everything has completely stopped. I don't feel any cramping or spotting & I'm wondering if I should just take a pregnancy test becus I did have unprotected sex a couple of times in January (the 13th & the 21st) before my period was due. Not sure if I was ovulating during this time or not, I have not been tracking that. Advice from you ladies would be greatly appreciated!